I Write down the Chinese meanings of following abbreviations. (16%)
1. E/D Card 9. PNL
2. EMER 10. POS
3. EVAC 11.PTT
4. FES 12.STA
5. IATA 13. STD
6. ICAO 14.UM
7. J/S 15.WCHR
8. PA 16C/A
II Translate the following Chinese into English(16%)
1.播音詞 9.主任乘務長
2.航前準備會 10.乘客座位
3.乘客信息 11. 旅行證件
4.頭頂上方的行李架 12.中轉停留
5.緊急設備 13.電子設備
6.手提行李 14.登機手續(xù)
7. 登機牌 15.乘務員服務區(qū)
8.安全檢查 16.客艙服務
III. Translation.(20%)
Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(10%)
1. For your safety, would you mind putting it into the overhead compartment.
2. Cabin crew are preparing the cabin for take-off. One of the passengers is still using his mobile phone. One of cabin crew comes up to stop him.
3. If there is anything I can do for you, please don`t hesitate to tell me.
4. Make sure all equipment is secure or in position available and serviceable.
5.Cabin service in today`s with Fu; the others will be in economy class.
Translate the following sentences into English. (10%)
1. 讓我們開始航前準備會,我是本次航班的乘務長。
2. 我剛按順序排放好雜志和報紙。
3. 請你讓開一點,讓其他乘客通過好嗎?
4. 很抱歉你頭頂上方的行李架上沒有空間了。
5. 機長已經打開安全帶信號。但是一位乘客還站在國道上。
IV. Write five announcements both in Chinese and English.(28%)
Baggage Arrangement
Prior to Take -off
V.Fill in the blank according to the Chinese.(20分)
1. At preflight briefing, the cabin crew_______________________1 (互相打招呼),________________________2 (討論飛行信息),__________________________________3 (討論飛行路線),___________________________4(討論天氣狀),____________________5_(討論乘客信息),The purser_________________________6(分配任務).
2. About preflight check, the purser asks a cabin attendant to check___________________7 (機上設備) _______________________8 (機上娛樂設施) and so on.
3. When boarding, a passenger is worried about _______________________9 (第一次飛機旅行. A passenger________________10(帶著嬰兒) is boarding. An old passenger _______________________11(帶著重的手提行李) is boarding.________________12(一個常旅客) is boarding. A passenger can`t _________________13(找到他的位置)。
4. Before take-off, __________________14(重要乘客) is boading. A passenger`s baggage is __________17(太大) to go into the compartment. There is ___________18(沒有位置) in the compartment for a passenger`s bag. A passenger puts her baggage on an _________________19(緊急出口). A canbin attendant is helping to hang up a ________________20(乘客的夾克衫). A passenger puts his hand luggage ______________(在過道上). A passenger cannot find his __________(公文包)。A passenger is _______________________(發(fā)短信) on his mobile phone.